Code of Conduct

Flag Glove is committed to offering the best possible prices for our clients, but not at the expense of the people who make the products.

As an international business with global buyers, we have a responsibility to work ethically. Flag Glove lives up to our buyer’ values and assure the behave towards our employees. Working with worldwide famous fashion buyers, it is a huge challenge for us. We supply in large volumes and aim to establish long-term relationships with buyers we can trust.

Our general rule is that we must, in all our activities, follow Chinese law. Should any of the requirements by our clients, be in violation of the national law, the law should always be followed. In such a case, we shall always inform our customer immediately upon the Code and amend it.

2. 1 Policy
We base our policy on child labour on the UN Convention on The Rights of the Child, article
2.2 Definition
In Chinese Law, each company or factory could not hire the employee under 16 years of age.
2.3 Implementation of Flag Glove’ policy on Child labour
Flag Glove does not accept child labour.

3.1 Building and Fire Safety
We confirm that the workers' safety should be a priority at all times. No hazardous equipment or unsafe buildings are accepted.

We should have clearly marked exits, and preferably emergency exits on all floors. All exit doors should open outwards. Exits should not be blocked by cartons, fabric rolls or debris, and should be well lit.
All workers should be aware of the safety arrangements, such as emergency exits, fire extinguishers, first aid equipment, etc. An evacuation plan should be displayed in the factory, the fire alarm should be tested regularly and regular evacuation drills are desirable.

3.2 First Aid
First aid equipment are available in every place, and at least one person in each department have training in basic first aid.
Doctor or nurse will be available at short notice, in case of an accident in the factory. We pay the costs which a worker may incur for medical care, following an injury during work in the factory.

4.1 Basic Rights All workers in Flag Glove should be entitled to his or her basic rights:

4.1.1 We do not accept that bonded workers, prisoners or illegal workers are used in the production of goods.

4.1.2 Under no circumstances do we accept to use corporal punishment or other forms of mental or physical disciplinary actions, or engage in sexual harassment.

4.1.3 We assure no worker should be discriminated against because of race, gender, religion or ethnic background. All workers with the same experience and qualifications should receive equal pay for equal work.

4.1.4 All workers are entitled to an employment contract with Flag Glove.

4.2 Wages and Working Hours

4.2.1 Wages must be paid regularly, on time and be fair in respect of work performance in Flag Glove. The legal minimum wages should reach the minimum in law.

4.2.2 In Flag Glove, Weekly working time will not exceed the legal limit, and overtime work should always be voluntary and properly compensated.

4.2.3 The workers should be granted their stipulated annual leave and sick leave without any form of repercussions in Flag Glove.

4.2.4 Female workers should be given their stipulated maternity leave in case of pregnancy.

4.2.5 Dismissal of pregnant female workers is not acceptable.

5.1 It is important for the workers' well-being, and for the quality of the glove, that Flag Glove’ environment should be clean and free from pollution of different kinds.

5.2 The temperature in the factory should be tolerable as a working environment, and the ventilation is adequate.

5.3 The lighting in each workplace should be sufficient for the work performed, at all times of day.

5.4 Sanitary facilities shall be clean, and the workers have access without unreasonable restrictions. The number of facilities should be adequate for the number of workers in the factory.

The environment is of increasing concern globally and Flag Glove acts responsibly in this respect.

We comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations.

According to our customers’ Chemical Restrictions, we do not allow use of solvents or other hazardous chemicals in the production of our products, confirming that no prohibited chemical substances will be used in the production